Therapy for College Students

Why Am I Struggling in College?

College is filled with change. Many of these changes are enjoyable, such as forming new friendships, living away from home for the first time, or exploring your identity through new experiences and relationships. Alongside these exciting changes are new difficulties. It is challenging to manage schoolwork and classes, while managing social relationships and groups, all while living in a completely new place that does not feel like living at home while you were in high school. Paired with this is an increase in drug-use, alcohol-use and sexual experiences. College is an adventure, but it is also an extremely difficult transition. Further, the changes remain constant throughout college: changes in relationships, changes in schedules, changes in where you live, changes in interests, changes in career paths.

Your struggle with adjusting to the constant change that exists in college looks like struggling with depression and anxiety for the first time. You have never felt this anxious before and you don’t know how to handle it. You are feeling lonely and sad, and what you are experiencing may actually be depression. You are having suicidal thoughts, you’re scared, and you don’t know who to turn to.

If you are nearing the end of college, this presents another set of significant changes that are waiting for you. It seems that just when you’ve finally gotten the hang of college, you are now planning for college to end and being thrown into the real world. You are terrified, uncertain and have no idea what you want to do with your life, but you try to appear certain and confident to your family and friends because you feel that this is what is expected of you. You are afraid to show people that, on the inside, you are overwhelmed and scared.

Everything you are feeling is common to experience during college. You are not alone.

How Can Therapy Help?

Individual therapy is a space to receive support and learn to cope with the changes and difficulties you are navigating. In our individual therapy sessions together, we identify what you are struggling with the most, what you would like to see change, and how I can help you get there.

In my approach to therapy, I help you understand what you are going through and feeling, while also teaching you new tools to manage your stress, anxiety, depression and relational challenges.

I utilize my trainings and skills to help you understand what you are going through and feeling, teach you new tools to manage your stress, anxiety, depression and relational challenges, and provide a space to explore various aspects of your identity.

My approach is warm and supportive, while also helping you find new solutions to the problems that feel stuck and difficult.

These are common focuses of therapy:

  • Anxiety and anxiety/panic attacks

  • Depression, loneliness or isolation

  • Romantic relationships, friendships and roommate relationships

  • Dating, sexual relationships and sexual experiences

  • Self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Traumatic events

  • Sexual assault

  • Stress and the demands of classes/schoolwork

  • Sexuality

  • Public speaking

  • Alcohol use or abuse

  • Drug use or abuse

  • Spirituality

  • Career choices

  • Suicidal thoughts or urges

  • Body image

  • Self-harm thoughts, urges or behaviors

  • Uncertainty about the future

  • Family relationships

  • Loss of a family member or loved one

  • ADHD

What If I Have Trauma?

If you have experienced a traumatic event, either recently or in your childhood, and you are looking for trauma therapy, please click here to learn more about my speciality in treating trauma and my training in EMDR. It is common to go through a traumatic event during college, especially sexual traumas and abuse. If you are wondering if what you have experienced is trauma, please reach out and we can determine this together in our therapy sessions.


Online Therapy

Why Online Therapy?

Online therapy sessions are a convenient and accessible way to meet for regular therapy sessions while accommodating your class schedule. Therapy sessions are conducted on a secure platform that assures privacy. Online, virtual therapy sessions are proven to be as effective as in-person therapy sessions.


Sarah Mondragon, LMFT

To learn more about the therapist, Sarah, and her credentials, please click the button below.

You are worthy of healing.

You are worthy of healing.

Step One

Fill out the contact form below, and we will schedule a first session or schedule a consultation call.

Step Two

During the first sessions, we identify and discuss your goals for therapy, your history, and what you are struggling with the most.

Step Three

We meet for regular therapy sessions as you work towards your goals, change and experience healing.


Contact Me Today

Complete the contact form below to schedule a first session, ask me a question, or schedule a 15 minute consultation call.